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Contemporary Political Discussion

Tragedy Strikes Peshawar

December 18 2014 , Written by Jade Maner Published on #Politics, #Peshawar, #Pakistan, #Terrorism, #School Shooting, #Interview

I feel a sense of responsibility to turn attention toward the recent tragedy that has taken its toll on the Pakistani people and so many others around the world. On December 16, 2014, six members of the terrorist organization, Taliban, committed one of the most gruesome acts of terror recorded to date when they breached a school in Peshawar, Pakistan, killing 142 members of the staff, faculty, and student body, while injuring an additional twelve. It was reported that the attackers breached the school, opening fire on anyone who crossed their path. They proceeded to corral students and faculty members into a single location where they detonated a bomb that produced a blast, proving to be fatal to many, including those six who committed the atrocity. According to Arslan Talib, a citizen of Lahore, Pakistan, the Taliban members struck the school in response to an anti-terrorism operation that is being conducted by the Pakistani military.

Tragedy Strikes PeshawarTragedy Strikes Peshawar
Tragedy Strikes PeshawarTragedy Strikes Peshawar

The Peshawar tragedy has devastated the Pakistani community, but it has also scarred the lives of the individuals who survived the attack and those who had loved ones who did not. Arslan says, "Some of the students were having their birthdays on the same day they were killed. Some of them were the only son of their parents. One couple got married 10 years back, they could not have any son or daughter. They got a son by ALMIGHTY ALLAH after 10 years and when they started sending him to school, he was also killed in the same incident."

Tragedy Strikes Peshawar

The Peshawar tragedy has instilled a deep sense of sadness and grief all over the state. Arslan says, "It is black day all over Pakistan, no happiness; everywhere there is tears and sadness. All Pakistani are deeply fallen in the sorrows of the killing of innocent kids of a nation, who has nothing to do with the terrorism. They go to school to make their tomorrow a brighter one. " Others have expressed their condolences through works of art that touch the heart and soul of all who observe them. This powerful image portrays the pain and the hurt that has been forced upon the face of innocence by those who are willing to commit such vile acts of terror.

Tragedy Strikes Peshawar

Arslan is passionate about relaying this message to all of us who have observed this tragedy from afar, "We, the citizens of Pakistan, are Muslims, not terrorists. Islam does not teach to kill humans. All those forces who are funding in any way to these terrorists have to stop it. The more we condemn it, the less it is. It's a black day in the history of Pakistan and we will never forget the blood of these innocents, martyrs, students, and teachers."

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Tragedy strikes peshawar. It is the incidence of the grave and immense sorrow. It is felt and attached with the bright and reformed nature. It is the coined and knowledge of the terror and fear among the citizens of the pakistan. It is embedded and coined and utilized.